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      Remember Me

      Haven Studio


      Lawrence, KS, United States


      University of Kansas' Dirt Works Studio

      Featured Products:

      RB 500+ Manual Roller Shades

      In addition to serving as a demonstration net-zero energy home, Haven Studio – Dirt Works Studio's entry into the 2023 Solar Decathlon Build Challenge – will function as a clean and quiet space for design collaboration and meetings with outside partners or clients engaged in collaborations with the school.

      Through thoughtful passive strategies and carefully selected active systems, including RB 500+ shades with Cradle to Cradle Certified® SheerWeave® 8000 fabric, the home’s energy load is reduced and offset by a robust solar energy collection system.

      About the project: In late October 2021, four cohorts of Dirt Works Studio students across four academic semesters began work on the 2023 Solar Decathlon Build Challenge project, Haven Studio. Dirt Works was one of 11 teams from around the world competing in the prestigious sustainability competition.

      Hunter Douglas Architectural is a proud sponsor of Haven Studio.